People and places thrive when everyone can participate

We have a once in a generation opportunity to improve the quality of water and greenway habitation along our Milwaukee waterways.

We want to hear from you.

Who we are

The CAC serves as the voice of the community in the process of cleaning up Milwaukee’s Area of Concern. We do this by creating and facilitating conversation between the community and the regulatory authorities in charge of completing this work, ensuring the community’s concerns and ideas are recognized and prioritized.

What we do

This year the CAC has a focus on three primary goals: 

  • increasing a community presence to reach more Milwaukee residents with information on the AOC; 

  • launching and growing a CAC network of supporters, including organizations and individuals, to serve as a hub for bringing community awareness to all aspects of the process; and 

  • gathering AOC information and influencing decision makers to ensure CAC representation. 

The CAC works alongside AOC decision-makers and the EPA to ensure Milwaukee residents play an active role in the AOC project work, as well as working to ensure that the EPA’s Great JTI  and other programs meaningfully incorporates environmental justice. 

What we have been up to

  • Planning

    We are actively participating in strategic planning. We have contributed to an Environmental Justice Proposal, GJTI planning, and a Health Impact Assessment proposal.

  • Recommendations

    We have submitted official recommendations to increase the proposed cleanup levels and to pause area training until local outreach and planning is implemented.

  • Input

    The CAC provides input for the annual Remedial Action Plan Input and members have served on the Havenwoods contractor selection and EJ Host organization selection committees.